8:30 - 9:30 AM

Class Overview

Hot Interval Training (HIIT 60) Hot Interval Training (HIIT 60) is a High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) class that combines tabata-style cardio and muscle toning in a heated room. Using your own body weight, this practice builds muscle and strengthens your core while burning fat, improving cir­cu­la­tion and increasing flex­i­bil­ity. Set to upbeat music, Hot Interval Training (HIIT 60) is per­formed on a yoga mat with bare feet. All movements are low impact, which protects your joints and mus­cles from the pound­ing of other exer­cises like run­ning and jumping.    
173 East 83rd Street New York, NY 10028  

Class Types

Hot Yoga (Bikram), Sculpt, Heated, Hot Vinyasa, HIIT, Yin


Mats for Rent
Towels for Rent
Water for Purchase

Cancellation Policy

In-Studio: 12 hours


Upper East Side

Booking Window

Opens 7 days in advance

Know before you go

  • Please arrive 15 minutes before your first class (liability waiver must be completed before class)
  • Prior to your first class a credit card needs to be on file with the studio
  • BRING YOUR OWN mat (available to rent for $5); shower towels available to rent for $2
  • Bring Your Own Lock (new locks available for purchase)
  • A gray practice towel and small hand towel are included with your class
  • Hydrate well - electrolytes before class recommended (available for purchase)
  • Shampoo, conditioner, soap and hair dryers provided


Established in 1999, bodē nyc is Manhattan's original hot yoga studio. bodē nyc offers an array of hot classes including original hot yoga (aka Bikram yoga), Hot Vinyasa Flow, Hot Yin and Hot interval training, taught by some of the most experienced and compassionate teachers in the city.


Monday, March 31
Time Class Type Instructor
7:00 - 8:00 AM Hot Interval Training (HIIT 60) cardio Eric Twitty JOIN NOW
Wednesday, April 2
Time Class Type Instructor
8:30 - 9:30 AM Hot Interval Training (HIIT 60) cardio Stephanie Sladkus JOIN NOW
7:00 - 8:00 PM Hot Interval Training (HIIT 60) cardio Eric Twitty JOIN NOW
Thursday, April 3
Time Class Type Instructor
8:30 - 9:30 AM Hot Interval Training (HIIT 60) cardio Stephanie Sladkus JOIN NOW
Friday, April 4
Time Class Type Instructor
7:00 - 8:00 AM Hot Interval Training (HIIT 60) cardio Aimee Clark JOIN NOW
11:00 - 12:00 PM Hot Interval Training (HIIT 60) cardio Eric Twitty JOIN NOW
5:30 - 6:30 PM Hot Interval Training (HIIT 60) cardio Eric Twitty JOIN NOW
Saturday, April 5
Time Class Type Instructor
8:00 - 9:00 AM Hot Interval Training (HIIT 60) cardio Aimee Clark JOIN NOW
Sunday, April 6
Time Class Type Instructor
10:30 - 11:30 AM Hot Interval Training (HIIT 60) cardio Kathleen Brett JOIN NOW