5 Regenerative Foods for the New Year


- By Neka Pasquale, Urban Remedy

For many, the holiday season is synonymous with overeating, alcohol and sugary sweets leaving you lethargic, vitamin-deficient and just plain unhealthy.  Try adding these 5 superfoods - packed with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals - to your diet to re-energize and start 2014 off on the right foot.

  1. Turmeric. You can buy this amazing super food at your local health food store or Asian market. It lowers inflammation, contains anti-aging properties, boosts the immune system and supports digestion. Try adding turmeric powder to Indian dishes or juice the root and add it to some water with a bit of honey for a refreshing and healing cooler.
  2. Goji berries. This little berry packs a big punch considered a complete source of protein and regarded as a top longevity and strength-building food. One of these tiny berries can contain up to 21 trace minerals, including zinc, iron, copper, calcium and 18 different amino acids. Ounce for ounce Goji berries contain more Vitamin C than oranges. 
  3. Chia seeds. These tiny seeds are full of healthy Omega-3 fatty acids and contain more omega 3’s ounce per ounce than salmon. Omega-3s reduce inflammation and are vital for brain function. Chia seeds fill you up for sustained energy. You can add them to smoothies, add to all baked goods, or sprinkle on cereal.
  4. Maca. This root is native to Peru and has a mild malted flavor great for adding the nutrient rich powder to smoothies. Maca has adaptogenic properties which means it’s great for helping the body deal with stress, balance hormones and energy levels. People also tout this tuber as a strong aphrodisiac. 
  5. Eat more greens. All of the hype has been focused on kale for some time. Try mixing it up with other greens. Collards contain double the protein and iron than kale. Mustard greens have more calcium and less calories. And spinach has more magnesium than kale, which is important for strong bones. Bottom line: eat a variety of amazingly healthy greens.

Neka Pasquale, L.Ac. takes a holistic approach to total health incorporating the medicinal properties of food as medicine in all of her creations– and working with people to assess their needs and creating bespoke wellness programs tailored to the individual. Her extensive education and hands-on experience in health and nutrition, coupled with her passion for cooking, has resulted in the creation of Urban Remedy an innovative, modern food company at the forefront of discovery and innovation in health and wellness.

Urban Remedy aims to help people make the right nutrition choices for themselves and their family, whether they are already informed or are “health beginners” with a specific goal or condition. Urban Remedy’s menu contains a wide variety of satisfying certified organic cold-pressed juices, shakes, cleanses, snacks, and health solutions made with organic ingredients ranging from raw cacao and coconut to dandelion greens, turmeric and burdock root, all selected for their specific health benefits. Urban Remedy’s robust suite of products sells nationwide to customers online and to visitors of its branded stores in the San Francisco Bay Area.

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