5 Steps to Jumpstart Your Spring Detox
- By Alyssa Rasul
The best way to reduce inflammation, build immunity, and avoid the harm of every day toxins is to regularly detoxify and cleanse our bodies and minds.
For both inner and outer health, eating WHOLE, FRESH, REAL foods will promote detox in a natural and safe way.
Here are 5 tips to help jumpstart your Spring Detox:
- Eliminate. If you can't read it, don't eat it! Reduce and remove processed, packaged, prepared foods (the 3 P's), which tend to be loaded with sugar and food additives. Sugar, dairy, alcohol and caffeine should also be avoided.
- Simplify. Aim for one meal a day that is super easy on your digestion. Try a smoothie, green juice, or soup to give the digestive system a break.
- Get Moving. Yes, exercise is one of the best ways to detox your body. Do something that gets your heart pumping and sweat flowing. Make sure it's something you enjoy, as you will be much more inclined to find consistency! For fellow New Yorkers, my favorite workout is Mind Body Bootcamp at Circuit of Change. Classes combine loads of cardio, strengthening exercises, with martial arts and yoga.
- Veg it up. Make each meal 70% of vegetables or more. It's easier than you think! Try having a green juice or smoothie, a large green salad, or a big bowl of steam or roasted veggies.
- Drink Water (a TON of it!). To help flush toxicity add lemon, lime, grapefruit, and fresh herbs like mint.
Detox Water Recipe
1/2 gallon of water
1- grapefruit, sliced
1- lemon, sliced
1- orange, sliced
handful of fresh mint leaves
Rinse grapefruit, lemon, and orange. Then combine all ingredients in a large pitcher or mason jar. Allow all ingredients to sit over night in the fridge, or as long as possible for maximum benefits.
For additional detox recipes and support, join my Clean Eating Spring Detox Program (starting May 1st). Click here for more information and to register.