How to Stay Healthy & Fit Over Thanksgiving
- By Mahri Relin, Body Conceptions
Thanksgiving can be a wonderful time of family, travel, and delicious food. It can also throw off your health and fitness regimen and even threaten to derail the momentum you've gained going into the holidays.
Never fear! Follow these tips for some easy ways to stay healthy while also enjoying these festivities!
- Find your fitness before you travel. Are you going to another location for Thanksgiving? Put a few minutes into researching fitness classes and gyms in the area. Just the act of looking for them will put you into the mindset of making these fitness classes a part of your holiday schedule. And the options may really excite you.
- Recruit others. You may find that an aunt or cousin is also missing their daily yoga practice and would love to take a class or two with you. It will also give you a great opportunity to bond if you haven't seen them in a while.
- Be flexible. Just because you are used to your favorite barre class doesn't mean you can't try another form of exercise while you are home for the holidays. Even if there seems to NOTHING available, try some brisk afternoon walks. Or even consider streaming a fitness video in your living room. Chances are, someone might want to join you!
- Embrace the time for yourself. Let's face it, the holidays can be stressful! Sometimes you just need to get away, and slipping off to a fitness class might be your perfect excuse. Endorphins are amazing at helping relieve your stress, and just getting that private time could help clear your head and start fresh. Plus you're doing something great for your body as well.
About Mahri
As a NASM Certified Personal Trainer, Corrective Exercise Specialist, AFPA Pre and Postnatal Exercise Specialist and fitness enthusiast, Mahri Relin spent her early years in the fitness industry working as a trainer for the Tracy Anderson Studio and later as the Creative Director for FlyBarre at Flywheel Sports as it grew internationally. By combining sculpting and cardio training with moves that come from her favorite dance classes and fitness principles, she created The Body Conceptions Method. Body Conceptions has proven to produce intense results over and over – creating a dancer’s physique while also improving athletic ability, core strength and self-awareness.