Your NFL Cheerleader Workout
- By Danielle Wechsler, Founder of cheerFIT
Are you ready to unleash that inner cheerleader and add a little pep in your step this football season? We thought so! Now, before you hit the tailgates and football games this weekend, get ready to crank up the calorie burn and sculpt the body of a NFL cheerleader! Danielle Wechsler, founder of cheerFIT held at Power Studios, former D1 cheerleader and trainer to the pros shares her exclusive fit tips and exercise combos. Are you ready, let’s go!
You too can rock the ‘bod of a pro cheerleader by following along with this workout-to-go card (Click Here to print your card and take it with you to the game). Complete each exercise for 1 minute and repeat the circuit 2 times every quarter of the game.
Game Day Exercises Game Day Fit Tips
Hear it from the Pros:
“cheerFIT always brings a new routine and the great energy I expect for my team to continue to perform at the professional level”.
– Ana De Villegas, Coach & Executive Director for the Gotham City Cheerleaders (professional dance team dedicated to supporting the NY Giants and NY Sports entertainment), Former NFL Cheerleader

Danielle originally created cheerFIT to focus on helping cheerleaders stay in shape all year round, rock a killer bod, and prevent injury. cheerFIT has since expanded to include anyone looking for a great way to stay in shape. This high energy, yet intense workout is fused with cardio intervals, calorie blasting circuits, and cheer inspired exercises, making cheerFIT a great way to tone, sculpt and define. Reserve a class at Power Studios in NYC.