GoRecess On the Go: Travel Tips from Erica Gragg, Founder of Escape to Shape
- By Geraldine Campbell
Keeping fit while on the road isn’t easy—especially when there’s the lure of croissants for breakfast and cocktails on the beach. Here, Erica Gragg, Founder of Escape to Shape traveling fitness spa, weighs in on how to stay healthy on the go.
Stay hydrated. I make it a rule to have at least one glass of water every hour while in transit. Sticking to this rule also keeps me moving mid-flight, which is great for the circulatory system.
Eat like a local. Upon landing, eat whatever meal the time zone dictates. Even if you’re exhausted, force yourself to have a light bite before heading to bed. The extra bit of time it takes to eat helps to reset your body clock.
Put your feet up. Viparita Karani or “legs up the wall pose” is the perfect way to wind down after a long day of traveling—no props needed. Nestle your hips into the space where the wall meets the floor, lengthen your legs up and flex your feet so your hips are in line with your heels. Your head, neck and back rest on the floor, creating an L shape with your body. Relax for 3-10 minutes.
Salute the sun. Set your alarm 15 minutes early and flow through 9 to 18 sun salutations. Not only is the movement meditative, providing a perfect start to the day that lies ahead, the sequence will lengthen, strengthen and tone the entire body. For a bit more cardio, pick up the pace!