Healthy Thanksgiving Recipes


With Thanksgiving approaching, we hope you're looking forward to a day of family, friends, gratitude and of course a delicious meal.  So that your workouts don't go to waste, we have called on these fitness and nutrition experts to share their favorite versions of classic dishes to make your meal a little lighter and guilt free.

Whether you follow a vegetarian, high-protein, clean or low-fat diet, or are just looking for some yummy recipes, we have something for you. Bon appétit!

Roasted Vegetable Soup from Sharon Richter, RD

Butternut Squash Quinoa "Risotto" from

Better Than Mashed "Potatoes" from Ariane Hundt

Sweet Potato Casserole & Healthy Turkey Breast from Manning Sumner

Roasted Brussel Sprouts with Turkey Bacon from Victoria Stein Feltman, MS, RD

Banana Bliss & Green Ginger Shooter from Alyssa Rasul

Lithe Pumpkin Pie from Lauren Boggi Goldenberg


And while you are planning your meal, there's still time to burn some extra calories so you can indulge a little without feeling like a stuffed go ahead and find a workout!

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