5 Ways to Get a Better Night’s Sleep


We all know what it’s like to go to bed and then, like clockwork, our mind starts racing. Or what about the evenings we tell ourselves we’ll stay up just a little longer to binge that last episode and, suddenly, it’s 1 am. And then there are the nights — the many, many nights — when we wake up what feels like every hour for no good reason.

Getting the National Sleep Foundation-recommended seven to nine hours per night can be hard. If you feel like good sleep is out of reach, you’re not alone. More than one-third of American adults aren’t getting enough sleep on a regular basis.

Turns out, catching those z’s starts with a few simple habits. Here’s what to do to help you sleep longer and more soundly.

  1. Be more active during the day. Moving more can mean sleeping better. So go ahead and book that HIIT class. Sneak a little strength training into your day. Give an evening yoga session a try. Consistency is key, so if you can fall into a rhythm of being active, you’ll have a greater chance of good sleep habits, long-term.
  2. Get a good dose of sunlight. Being outside in natural light can support your body’s circadian rhythm. Sometimes called the “body clock,” it’s the internal process that supports the sleep-wake cycle. If you head into the sunlight first thing in the morning, it helps your body wake up. (On the flip side, you can dim the lights in your room two hours before bedtime to help you sleep better.)
  3. Stick to a sleep schedule. Yes, even on weekends! The more regular your sleep cycle is, the more likely you’re able to close your eyes and nod off when you need to. You’ll feel more energized during the day, too.
  4. Give your screens “sundown.” Put your phones and electronic devices aside at least a half-hour before bedtime. The blue light given off by them promotes alertness and affects your brain’s ability to send the signal to produce melatonin (your sleep hormone). One trick is to set your devices to automatically switch to night mode at a certain time; this darkens the screen.
  5. Take a breather. If you feel like anxiety is kicking in as you quiet down for the night, try a simple breathing technique: 4-7-8 breathing. Place a hand on your belly. inhale through your nose and count to 4, hold your breath for the count of 7, and then exhale through your mouth for the count of 8. Research shows that when you exhale twice as long as you inhale, your brain sends a message to calm down. Try it whenever you need a stress reset.

After you’ve tried these tips, make a note of any differences you feel in your sleep routine. Here's to the restful nights ahead!

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